Methods of Orthodontic Treatment

The 5 stages of orthodontic treatment

The benefits of aligning your dentures are many. In addition to a beautiful appearance, which will increase your self-confidence, the aligned denture (straight teeth) will allow you to bite and chew properly, while it will also help you in the correct pronunciation. Orthodontic treatment is a procedure that can be planned in advance with great precision and has very high success rates.

Depending on the severity of the orthodontic problem, the different orthodontic treatments can be summarized in 5 basic stages:

First visit and examination

It is an opportunity to have answers to your possible questions and to discuss any concerns you may have about orthodontic treatment. During this visit, the orthodontist has the opportunity to make a preliminary assessment of the condition of your teeth and to advise you if and when it is appropriate to start orthodontic treatment.

Diagnostic evaluation-Second visit

The next step is to create a diagnostic file (x-rays, photographs, fingerprints, etc.). The specific data will help the orthodontist to determine the complexity of the problem and to devise the appropriate treatment plan.

Third Visit-Meeting about the treatment

Before starting treatment, the orthodontist will invite you to an appointment to discuss the treatment plan in detail. In this meeting, he will explain to you what the treatment includes, the expected results after its completion and how your active participation in the treatment will contribute decisively to success. Of course, at this stage the estimated duration of treatment will be discussed, as well as the relevant costs.

Your orthodontist will then inform you about choosing the right orthodontic appliance. Orthodontic appliances have evolved in recent years, so that they do not resemble the older devices that made the mouth look like an “iron barrier”. There is now a choice between mini, transparent or “invisible” braces , and transparent splints (invisalign for adults, invisalign teen for teenagers, invisalign first for children) but many now choose, instead of hiding, to happily show the experience of orthodontic treatment using colored braces. Your orthodontist will present you with all the options in designs and colors.

Periodic meetings

Regular appointments are an important part of orthodontic treatment. In general, the orthodontist will want to see you every 4-8 weeks in order to check the progress of the treatment and make adjustments to your braces.

Restraint: the last stage.

At some point the braces will be removed. Finally, the elastic bandages and the meetings with the orthodontist. Does this mean the end of treatment? Almost. You have one more step to complete: restraint . Retainers are specifically designed to keep your teeth in the correct position until the bones, gums and muscles adjust to the change.

Categories: The Dental Clinic

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