Category: The Dental Clinic

Methods of Orthodontic Treatment

The 5 stages of orthodontic treatment

The benefits of aligning your dentures are many. In addition to a beautiful appearance, which will increase your self-confidence, the aligned denture (straight teeth) will allow you to bite and chew properly, while it will also help you in the correct pronunciation. Orthodontic treatment is a procedure that can be planned in advance with great precision and has very high success rates.

Depending on the severity of the orthodontic problem, the different orthodontic treatments can be summarized in 5 basic stages:

First visit and examination

It is an opportunity to have answers to your possible questions and to discuss any concerns you may have about orthodontic treatment. During this visit, the orthodontist has the opportunity to make a preliminary assessment of the condition of your teeth and to advise you if and when it is appropriate to start orthodontic treatment.

Diagnostic evaluation-Second visit

The next step is to create a diagnostic file (x-rays, photographs, fingerprints, etc.). The specific data will help the orthodontist to determine the complexity of the problem and to devise the appropriate treatment plan.

Third Visit-Meeting about the treatment

Before starting treatment, the orthodontist will invite you to an appointment to discuss the treatment plan in detail. In this meeting, he will explain to you what the treatment includes, the expected results after its completion and how your active participation in the treatment will contribute decisively to success. Of course, at this stage the estimated duration of treatment will be discussed, as well as the relevant costs.

Your orthodontist will then inform you about choosing the right orthodontic appliance. Orthodontic appliances have evolved in recent years, so that they do not resemble the older devices that made the mouth look like an “iron barrier”. There is now a choice between mini, transparent or “invisible” braces , and transparent splints (invisalign for adults, invisalign teen for teenagers, invisalign first for children) but many now choose, instead of hiding, to happily show the experience of orthodontic treatment using colored braces. Your orthodontist will present you with all the options in designs and colors.

Periodic meetings

Regular appointments are an important part of orthodontic treatment. In general, the orthodontist will want to see you every 4-8 weeks in order to check the progress of the treatment and make adjustments to your braces.

Restraint: the last stage.

At some point the braces will be removed. Finally, the elastic bandages and the meetings with the orthodontist. Does this mean the end of treatment? Almost. You have one more step to complete: restraint . Retainers are specifically designed to keep your teeth in the correct position until the bones, gums and muscles adjust to the change.

Categories: The Dental Clinic

Byte Aligners Or Smile Direct Aligners? Which Treatment To Choose?

If you think it’s time to get the smile you’ve always wanted, you probably know that there are two possible solutions to aligning your teeth, the classic braces and the Invisalign system with Byte and smile Direct Aligners. But you also have many questions: Which of the two methods is more effective? Which is more suitable to deal with your orthodontic problems and which one best suits your lifestyle? In any case, what you want is for your treatment to be completed as quickly and efficiently as possible. So, it’s time for some answers to these questions.

Byte aligners and Smile direct aligners? Let’s look at the basics.

First of all, both the braces and the Invisalign system have been specially designed to align the teeth and create a healthy and harmonious smile. While braces are the best known and oldest method, the Invisalign system is a system that was only created in 1999.

Braces consist of wires and hooks that attach to the teeth. Today, both the quality of the materials used and their colors aim to combine efficiency with high aesthetics.

Invisalign, on the other hand, is designed to offer you an invisible cure. This is achieved with a series of invisible toothpicks, which are specially designed for your own mouth and help you align your teeth painlessly and, most importantly, without anyone knowing.

But what is the most appropriate treatment for you? The braces or the Byte and smile Direct Aligners ?

Both methods are effective and suitable to offer you the smile you want. Braces are the classic method we all know, which is constantly improving thanks to advances in technology. Although Invisalign is a new method, it has already given impressive results.

The first method will put some restrictions on you, while the second offers more flexibility, as the splints are removed. Also, if you are worried about the way the braces will affect your appearance, Invisalign invisible splints are the treatment that will make you feel more secure. But it is also the treatment that has the greatest cost.

In general, there is no better or worse method of aligning teeth, but more or less appropriate to your problem, lifestyle or needs.

If you think it is time to get a healthy and harmonious smile, I will be happy to contact you to discuss closely the possibilities you have for a treatment that will give you the desired result as soon as possible.

Categories: The Dental Clinic

7 Ways To Get The Perfect Smile

The eyes, they say, are the mirror of the soul while a healthy denture is equivalent to a passport to success. A bright smile enhances self-confidence and completes in the best way an impressive appearance. Many teeth have imperfections. Take care of those around you and you will see it. With the advancement of Dentistry there is a solution in almost all cases.

The eyes, they say, are the mirror of the soul while a healthy denture is equivalent to a passport to success.

A bright smile enhances self-confidence and completes in the best way an impressive appearance.

Many teeth have imperfections. Take care of those around you and you will see it. Sometimes these defects are due to acquired causes, other times they are hereditary. With the advancement of Dentistry there is a solution in almost all cases.

A few years ago no one could have imagined that we could intervene in imperfections anywhere on our body and correct them, so that in the end it does not seem that intervention has taken place. Much more when it came to teeth.

Tooth decay can be due to purely acquired causes, but it can also be hereditary.

Acquired causes are those that occur in the course of a person’s life (therapeutic-aesthetic), while hereditary , what he inherits as a denture (enamel quality – tooth arrangement – tooth color).

Fortunately, the science of dentistry today is so advanced that it allows us to intervene and correct almost all the dental imperfections that a mouth can have. And in fact painlessly and at times that meet the needs of modern man, with long-term therapeutic and aesthetic results provided that specialized dentists work closely with each other.

So everyone can have a healthy mouth, a beautiful smile. Either by maintaining the natural color of his teeth or by intervening dentally to obtain whiter teeth.

When there is proper rehabilitation planning, then dental treatment is combined with aesthetics and the result is essentially a lifting of the mouth.

It is certain that modern dental materials (composite resins and porcelains) allow long-term therapeutic and aesthetic results, as long as the dental intervention is such that ensures the maximum of therapeutic and aesthetic restoration.

And of course always in relation to the proper maintenance of the mouth, which is daily brushing, flossing and the six-month preventive re-examination. Then we can be sure that for many years there will be no therapeutic and aesthetic problems.

The ugly smile may be due

On teeth: sparse, small, bicolor, denervated, decayed, old, crooked fillings, abrasive teeth.

In gingivitis (gingivitis – periodontitis)

In gums that cover the teeth (gum smile) or even problems with prognathism

Teeth missing after extractions or teeth that have never erupted or new teeth (baby teeth) along with normal teeth.

On teeth with many pigments – yellow or dark teeth.

Lack of maintenance with the necessary check up every 6 months at the dentist and with the daily care of the teeth at home.

The ugly smile is treated

What is Teeth Lifting?

It is the most modern dental application which, thanks to the combination of the art of the dentist and the dental development (composite resins), restores any defects of the teeth to such an extent that one can not suspect what the teeth were like before that.

Specifically, each tooth is regenerated and reconstructed separately in a harmonious relationship with all the other teeth, either in the natural color of the teeth or by changing the color and creating a permanent white smile, a perfect denture.

In which cases does it apply?

  • In sparse teeth we can join them
  • In small ones, we can make them bigger
  • In two-tone or denervated to restore them to their original color
  • In teeth with many fillings
  • In discoloration of the teeth
  • In crooked teeth when we have ruled out the most appropriate treatment, braces
  • In teeth with abrasions

Is rehabilitation painful?

Restoration is completely painless and is usually done without any grinding of the teeth, without anesthesia.

How many visits will it take?

As long as there are no therapeutic problems an appointment 2 to 2 1/2 hours for 8-10 teeth of the upper jaw and a second appointment the next day for 8-10 teeth of the lower jaw.

Can I Have Problems With My Teeth After Tooth Lifting?

NO: Because the restoration is in complete anatomy in each tooth separately and the resins are the same material that we use for the filling of our teeth, that is, for purely therapeutic reasons for many years.

It is simply the talent of the dentist that enables him to use this modern treatment material for aesthetic reasons.

Will my teeth look natural?

Of course yes. Those who meet you every day will notice an indefinite change and those who first meet you will admire your beautiful, bright and healthy smile.

Do I need to be more careful after tooth lifting?

As before restoration, you should not use your teeth as cutting tools.

Is the result permanent?

The result is permanent whether it concerns the natural color of the teeth or a white smile.

Do I have to do anything different to maintain my teeth than I did before?

NO For the long-term maintenance of the aesthetic result and the health of your teeth, you must do what you did before.

That is, the teeth should be brushed daily morning and evening, floss should be used and a preventive check should be observed every 6 months in which the gums are cleaned, polished, the tooth pigments are removed, fluoridation.

Is a beautiful smile very important?

Yes. Official research in America states that:

92% of adults agree that an attractive smile plays an important role in communication

85% say they remember someone with a beautiful smile

85% agree that a person with a bad smile is less attractive on the other side

75% agree that a bad smile can reduce the chances of professional success.

b. With the treatment of gingivitis – periodontitis – correction of gingival smile

The tissues that surround the teeth either from bad brushing or from lack of check-up every six months, or from other diseases of the body that secondary to gum problems in the form of inflammation. E.g. Pregnancy is a very pleasant situation for every woman, and yet during pregnancy the great hormonal change in the body most often creates secondary gingivitis which, if not taken care of by the specialist dentist (periodontist) with continuous cleaning, also results in bad breath.

Chronic gingivitis can become periodontitis where we also have mobility in the teeth – loss of teeth from support.

Every person should be aware from an early age that daily proper brushing – the thread – and every six months must check up that includes in addition to the diagnosis and a complete oral maintenance is necessary not only for the long-term health of teeth and tissues but also for human health in general.

So dental treatment should be done to stop the phenomenon of bad breath and not just use mouthwashes or other commercial preparations to actually cover a health problem. These come in addition after the doctor has treated and the causes have been removed, to keep the area as sterile as possible to achieve tissue healing faster.

Gentle smile:

Many times the periodontist intervenes and corrects the gum line (gum plastic) to achieve a better therapeutic and aesthetic result.

c. With the treatment of prognathism – crooked teeth

When since childhood there has not been adequate attention for the proper development of jaws and eruption of teeth with the help of orthodontics, then the adult has to deal with problems not only crooked teeth but also prognosis.

In these cases, in order to correct the problem, the close cooperation of an orthodontist and an orthodontist is required and, depending on the case, surgery.

d. With the restoration of tooth deficiencies – extractions

Treatments are by prosthetists and orthodontists or periodontists, in collaboration with implant rehabilitation.

Prosthetics for restorations with porcelain prostheses.

Porcelain additives have a completely natural color, stability and complete anatomy when applied by specialists, and can be, depending on the case, either all-ceramic (without any metal or porcelain) or porcelain with metal inside.

Precious metals are preferred.

e. With the restoration of new teeth with normal in adults

If there is a normal tooth under the new teeth and it has not erupted, in these cases the new tooth is removed and the orthodontist (lowers) the normal tooth in place. In case the tooth does not erupt with the help of the orthodontic mechanism, it is removed by the orthodontist and restored either with an implant or with a porcelain bridge.

Lifting with resin in an appointment and restoration of the tooth or new teeth so that they look like our normal teeth can be done only if the tooth has no mobility and as the next conservative stage until the restoration is finally treated with orthodontics and orthodontist.

f. By changing the color of teeth: yellow, dark, with pigments

If we want to permanently deal with the problem of discolored teeth except for the whitening which has a limited duration, and if our teeth after the removal of the pigments that must be done every 6 months together with the cleaning of the teeth do not have natural white color, then tooth lifting is necessary.

The lifting of teeth, apart from the resin veneers that make 10 teeth in a 2-hour appointment painless with a permanent result by the specialist cosmetic dentists, can also be done with porcelain veneers in ten days because the dentist intervenes, after grinding the teeth for preparation of porcelain veneers.

Porcelain veneers have the advantage of color stability, completely natural result, complete anatomy when applied by specialists, and the disadvantage of much higher cost due to the intervention of a craftsman, definitely grinding the teeth for their application and in case of breakage they are not restored in an appointment.

Resin veneers have the advantage that their placement is painless (almost no grinding), permanent effect, never detaches, application time 2 hours for the upper jaw 2 hours for the lower jaw, completely natural smile, complete anatomy when applied by specialists, and rehabilitation at an appointment still in a tooth fracture.

Due to the fact that the craftsman does not intervene lower cost.

Disadvantage after some years can change color by 1 or 2 tones depending on the patient’s eating habits.

g. With the care of the teeth at home

The younger the age at which the person approaches the dentist, the more excellent oral health is achieved, and the lack of fear and anxiety towards the dentist.

The basis for a good oral hygiene program and is the right brushing. For a good brushing effect, the toothbrush should be replaced when the bristles open and this replacement frequency is about 3 months.

At the same time, the correct oral hygiene instructions must be followed, which the dentist takes care to show to his patient and are the following:

Hold the toothbrush by placing the bristles at an angle of about 45 degrees and towards the gum line by performing a small circular motion so that food debris is removed from the gum-tooth border.

We start from left to right brushing from the molars back to forward.

In the upper jaw we have 3 tooth surfaces to brush. One from the outside to the cheeks and lips, one from the inside and the chewing surface. And on the inner surface of the teeth (towards the palate) again the position of the toothbrush in relation to the gums should be at an angle of 45 degrees. As for the chewing surfaces, the toothbrush is vertical.

After we complete the upper jaw here with the same technique we have to brush 3 tooth surfaces. From outside to inside and from above. Particular care should be taken with the lower front teeth towards the inner surface where the tongue rests and where there is a greater concentration of saliva.

We must not forget the language. Brushing the tongue while brushing the teeth removes the bacteria that accumulate in the nipple of the tongue. This also avoids bad breath.

Brush by placing the toothbrush as far back as possible at the base of the tongue so that there is no tendency to vomit and bring it forward at least 6-7 times.

It is very important to make a mechanical habit the way of brushing and not to forget any tooth surface, to follow exactly the same brushing order from left to right, measuring the tooth surfaces 3 up and 3 down and having the feeling of brushing of the gums without forgetting at the same time the rest of the dental surface.

This should be done diligently morning and night and each brushing should last at least 2 minutes. At the same time, after the complete brushing, we complete the oral care with a thread.

Dental floss

No matter how well we brush, it is impossible to clean the teeth at the point of contact with the other teeth as well as in the interdental nipples.

Technical use

We use a large piece of thread and wrap it almost completely tightly around the middle finger of one hand. Do the same on the other middle finger of the hand so that we stabilize the thread in both our hands and control it completely.

Hold the thread with the thumbs and index fingers of each hand at a distance of about 5 cm.

Place the floss between the teeth, taking care to raise and lower it carefully (so as not to injure the gums at the point between the teeth that is visible to the outer surface of the teeth). We do this carefully so that essentially a C-shaped shape is formed in the floss, sometimes towards one surface of the tooth and sometimes towards the other surface of the tooth that is in contact. That is, we essentially lower the floss low to the root of the tooth, avoiding injuring the gums.

After carefully cleaning the surfaces of the teeth that are in contact, we proceed to the next ones by winding the floss that we use in the middle finger that has the smallest amount of floss and unrolling from the other so that we always have a clean floss and firmly stretched between the hands for the best handling. This is repeated until all interdental contacts are complete (there are special “slingshot” fittings that the floss can accept for easier use).


Toothpaste helps remove pigments to create a fresher mouth as it may also contain therapeutic agents such as fluoride or ingredients to combat tooth sensitivity.

Oral solutions

They are given only under the instructions of the treating dentist and for a specific frequency and use. They do not in any way replace regular dental check-ups and cleaning and proper oral care at home.

Categories: The Dental Clinic

Damaged Teeth: What Treatments?

To meet the demands of their patients, dental surgeons can now rely on dental techniques that respect the teeth and supporting tissues, which allow the tooth to be preserved in its entirety as much as possible and give  very natural results . 

For misaligned teeth, more discreet braces 

If everyone has their own way of smiling, the definition of a  “beautiful smile”  has been standardized by dental surgeons according to very precise criteria, in particular with  the perfect alignment of the teeth … Today, misaligned teeth  can be corrected with effective  techniques and are less visible than in the past . 

No more iron “gates” which disfigure the most beautiful of faces: the “rings” are now stuck on the inside of the teeth to make themselves totally invisible! Made to measure, they are  thinner and thinner to limit discomfort and lesions of the tongue . The appliance can be limited to a few rings, applied to the teeth to be straightened. For smaller imperfections, invisible aligners correct slight overlaps in a few months. For an adult, it takes between 6 months and 2 years of treatment.

For yellow teeth, whitening

Considerable progress has been made in tooth whitening . For a long time, very concentrated products were applied to the teeth to obtain an often too white bleaching.  “This gave not very long-lasting results and was accompanied by side effects on the teeth and gums (in particular hypersensitivity) which led dentists to review their approach , recognizes Dr. Raux.

From now on, the treatment is done  using less concentrated products but applied for a longer time using aligners , either in the dentist’s office or brought to the patient’s home. The dentist begins by treating the upper teeth (count around 10 sessions), before tackling the lower teeth (count around 5 sessions).

For stained teeth, the erosion-infiltration technique

This technique has literally revolutionized the treatment of unsightly white spots that sometimes appear on the surface of teeth. Linked to an enamel malformation, they were until now treated by milling the tooth and placing a prosthesis (veneer). Too dilapidated, this approach has been replaced by a much more conservative technique  : the dental surgeon applies an acid solution which dissolves the too white enamel, then impregnates the tooth with a resin with optical properties similar to those of enamel. healthy.

For broken or decayed teeth, biomimetic materials 

Beyond the  damage caused to oral health and general health , broken or decayed teeth can  damage the aesthetics of the teeth . Fortunately, today, there are various techniques that allow both to heal the tooth and to correct its aesthetic appearance. 

Composite resins

The composite resins used to restore a broken or decayed tooth  now perfectly reproduce the colors of the different layers of the tooth  : ivory for the dentin and translucent for the enamel that covers it. The glues used to restore a broken tooth have also been greatly improved, and can withstand strong pressures. 

Inlays, Onlays, Overlays and dental veneers

For larger fractures that have resulted in the loss of a piece of tooth and crown, for example, resins are not sufficient; the dentist must make  a kind of ceramic prosthesis that he sticks to the broken tooth to compensate for the loss, which has the effect of strengthening the tooth. We speak of Inlay, Onlay or Overlay for the posterior teeth, and veneers for the anterior teeth.  

The veneers  can also be used to mask stubborn stains or close the black triangles between the teeth, without weakening them. ” Compared to crowns, they divide tissue mutilation by 3 to 4, ” says Dr Raux.


The  crowns  can be indispensable. But, here again, the new ceramics, more resistant than before and translucent, and the invisible glues used to achieve the joint between the tooth and the crown give very aesthetic results, ” which perfectly mimic nature “, assures the surgeon. dentist. 

Categories: The Dental Clinic

Mercury Fillings: Are They Dangerous For Health?

Mercury dental amalgam: what is it? 

Used to fill decayed teeth for over 150 years, dental amalgam results  from the cold reaction of liquid mercury on a metal powder which leads to the formation of a solid crystallized alloy (silver-mercury or tin-mercury) . Renowned for its antibacterial qualities, durability, ease of use and low cost, it has long been the preferred solution in dentistry.

But quickly, this use raised questions about the safety of chronic exposure to mercury. Proportional to the number of fillings in the mouth, the release of mercury can occur during the condensation ,  polishing , installation and wear of amalgams. 

No mercury for pregnant women and children under 15

A European regulation dated May 17, 2017  banned the use of mercury dental amalgam for pregnant and breastfeeding women and children under 15 years old . This ban came into effect on July 1, 2018. The only exception is cases where the dental surgeon considers this use ” strictly necessary because of  the patient’s specific medical needs “.

From July 1, 2019, if a dentist deems mercury necessary, they should use pre-dosed capsules instead of bulk mercury . 

Mercury amalgam: what are the health dangers?

According to the Association No au Mercure Dentaire , amalgam creates vapors, part of which is absorbed by the lungs . Mercury passes into the blood, crosses the blood-brain barrier and accumulates in the brain . It also crosses the placenta. The mercuric ions that escape from the amalgam accumulate in several organs, including the kidneys . 

Some studies have long pointed to a link between dental mercury amalgam and certain diseases such as multiple sclerosis , Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease . In a report published in 2015, the National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety (ANSM) stated that ” the lack of objective data and the absence of convincing arguments do not allow a definitive ruling on the neurological risks or multiple sclerosis, neither on the impact on renal function, nor on a possible deleterious role on the health of children and adults, nor on the benefits of removing amalgam “.

The measures taken then fall under the  precautionary principle . In France in particular, mercury amalgams have been contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women and people with kidney disease for a long time . 

An environmental impact 

Another problem with dental mercury amalgams is the environmental impact . French dentists who remove amalgam must use a dedicated recuperator to treat the residues. They are then placed in a cassette which will be collected by a specialized company twice a year. 

Reminder of the rules of good practice

In 2003, already alerted by statements from people who presented disorders which they attributed to the presence of dental amalgam, the French Agency for the Safety of Health Products (Afssaps) had set up a working group, composed of 14 independent experts. Their recommendations made public in 2005 recalled the regulatory provisions and precautions for the use of dental amalgam. They specify the rules of good practice and hygiene in the dental office: 

Avoid placing dental amalgams in the direct vicinity of other metal restorations  so as not to increase the risk of corrosion; 

The lightening of posterior teeth with amalgam is also not recommended ; 

Finally, the importance of prevention in the treatment of caries is underlined because despite the decrease in the number of caries in children and adolescents, 80% of caries lesions can be avoided in this population.

Prevention requires  a good brushing , a varied diet that avoids snacks and sweets, sometimes the intake of fluoride and fissure sealing .

In addition, the rate of decay increases for the elderly who present cavities of the neck. Located on the part of the tooth on which dental plaque is most easily formed, these cavities are difficult to treat with amalgam fillings. Experts therefore believe that a prevention policy must also be implemented in the elderly . In this regard, the Minister of Health intends to provide people over the age of 60 from 2006 with a clinical oral-dental check-up (100% covered) followed by an interview and advice in order to prepare the conditions for ‘healthy aging.

Categories: The Dental Clinic

Inlay, Onlay, Inlay Core: What Are The Differences

What’s this ? 

The Inlay is a prosthesis that will fit into the tooth to replace part of the tissue that has been removed, especially during the treatment of cavities . This part becomes embedded in the tooth without reconstituting a wall, only on the upper face of the tooth (masticatory part). Unlike an amalgam or a composite made directly in the chair, the Inlay designed by the prosthetist adapts perfectly to the tooth. It is used to replace fillings or composite resins. ” It is particularly recommended when the volume of the cavity to be restored is large, also making it possible to ensure a good seal at the interface between the reconstitution and the walls of the damaged tooth “, adds Dr. Christophe Lequart.

What composition? 

This Inlay can be made of metal, precious metal, composite (aesthetic resin) or even ceramic.

How is the pose going? 

The dentist cleans the decay and then prepares the cavity that will receive the Inlay. He then makes an impression. The prosthetist from this impression designs the prosthetic part which is perfectly adjusted to the shape of the tooth and to the contact with the teeth in antagonist. The part depending on the material chosen will be sealed or glued to the tooth by the dentist. ” Ceramic and composite remain the most aesthetic materials, specifies our expert, but gold is also very appreciated because its tightness and flexibility are remarkable. It is also 100% biocompatible since it does not cause allergy at all. like ceramics, for that matter “. 


What’s this ? 

The onlay is a restoration of a tooth that will include at least one side of the tooth. It is carried out when the volume of the destruction of the tooth by caries is important and it does not allow a live reconstruction by the dentist with a composite or an amalgam. 

The Onlay is an alternative to the crown, explains the dentist. ” We are doing more than before because today we want to preserve as much as possible the healthy dental tissues. Onlay can be performed on a living tooth as on a devitalized tooth, It allows to reconstitute the significant losses of volume due to a decay or a fracture of a wall of the tooth. It will also allow a better sealing of the restoration, the points of contact with the neighboring teeth more effective compared to a restoration carried out directly in the chair “.

What composition?

Just like the Inlay, the Onlay can be made of metal, precious metal, composite (aesthetic resin) or ceramic. 

How is the pose done?

The installation process is the same as for the Inlay. The dentist cleans the decay and then prepares the face (s) of the tooth that will / will receive the onlay. He then makes an impression. The prosthetist from this impression designs the prosthetic part which is perfectly adjusted to the shape of the tooth. The part depending on the material chosen will be sealed or glued to the tooth by the dentist.

And the Inlay Core (pivot)? 

What’s this ? 

The Inlay Core is a prosthetic false stump, also called a “pivot” . It is proposed in the event of significant destruction of the tooth and when the reconstitution of the tooth with usual materials is not possible. ” When there is only the root flush with the gum, or the residual walls of the tooth are too fragile, it is then necessary to reconstruct the emerging part of the tooth on which a crown will rest, describes the expert. stump is held by means of a post inserted in the root “.

How is the pose going? 

Beforehand, the tooth will have been devitalized. An impression of the post housing and the remaining part of the tooth is made by the dentist which allows the prosthetist to fabricate the false stump. The Inlay Core is sealed or glued depending on the material used. A new impression will be made by the dentist in order to create the future crown which will rest on this inlay-core.

In which cases to use them?

The three techniques are generally performed in adults and seniors because it is necessary to wait until the tooth is final. ” However, it is not excluded in certain cases to place an Inlay or Onlay in a child who would present a cavity on his first molar (called” the tooth of 6 years ” ) ” specifies Christophe Lequart. 

Rates and reimbursement? 

Social security reimbursements vary widely and depend on the material used, the technique chosen by the dentist and the reimbursement basket. This is why it is very important to request a quote from your dentist before any intervention. You can then submit this quote to your mutual insurance company, which will tell you the reimbursement rate for the medical act according to the contract you have signed with it.

Reimbursement of the Inlay

The Inlay does not fall under the 100% basket (Social security does not support this technique) but belongs to the free price basket and therefore depends on the practitioner’s fees (between 350 and 700 €). Check with your mutual. 

Onlay reimbursement 

If it reconstitutes at least 2 surfaces of the tooth using an encrusted material (composite or metal) it fits within the framework of the moderate basket. Health insurance has set a fee ceiling of € 350 from January 1, 2021 and a reimbursement base of € 100. 

If this same Onlay is made of ceramic or precious metal, it fits into the free basket. This means that there is no fee cap for the practitioner. The reimbursement base is still 100 € for the SS. 

Reimbursement of the Inlay Core

It can be part of the 3 care baskets. Depending on the location of the tooth and the type of crown that will be performed on this Inlay Core, there will be a differentiated reimbursement by the mutual. 

This cost is added to that of the crown for which the inlay-core is the support.

The fees for an inlay-core vary between 175 and 400 € depending on the care basket in which it is located, and it is reimbursed by social security on the basis of 175 €.

Categories: The Dental Clinic

Overview Of Dental Care

The dental field includes conservative care (scaling, treatment of caries, root canal, etc.) and surgical care (extraction, etc.). They are reimbursed at 70% by health insurance . Then there are prosthetic acts , free of charge , and orthodontic treatments  relating to orthodontics. 


The purpose of scaling is to remove dental plaque  (made up of pieces of food and bacteria). Using a small sharp instrument, the dentist removes visible tartar and the one hidden under the gum tissue. The latter can indeed be the cause of inflammation of the gums ( gingivitis ), which leads to loosening of the teeth (retraction of the gum).

If the scaling technique is not painful , the rubbing effect on the teeth can be unpleasant . Also, when your gums are sensitive or you do not perform scaling often, you may experience  pain or even  bleed your gums  in the days that follow. If the pain persists for more than a few days, do not hesitate to talk to your dentist. 

It is recommended to have a scaling at the dentist every six months to a year. 

Treatment of cavities (filling)

Filling is  the most common treatment performed by the dentist. It helps to treat cavities .

When decayed,  the tooth gradually demineralizes  , becomes hollow and  nerve damage should be prevented . The treatment consists of removing the demineralized part of the tooth and replacing it with a filling . This can be of two kinds:

A very resistant amalgam with a metallic appearance;

A kind of tooth-colored resin , more aesthetic, called composite.

The choice between amalgam and composite depends on the location of the decay and its extent. 


When the decay is  too deep , and once  the dental pulp has been reached,  unfortunately we can  not keep the tooth alive . To prevent the pain (and the inevitable toothache ), it is necessary to devitalize the diseased tooth  (remove the vital tissue of the tooth, therefore the nerves). Devitalization is performed under local anesthesia.

Once the tooth has been stripped of its pulp tissue, cleaned properly and its canals have been perfectly prepared, the dentist will then apply to  block the canals . Finally, he will  reconstruct the shape of the tooth in  order to restore it to its natural use. In general, it is rare that a devitalized tooth is left as it is because it is then much more fragile.

Note : the price of a root canal varies depending on the tooth: incisor, molar, canine, etc.

Sealing the furrows

The fissure sealing  is a painless technique without anesthesia allowing prevent cavities in children but also in adults.

In fact,  80% of caries begin at the level of the furrows,  these chewing surfaces of the teeth which are real food traps. Deep, difficult to access when brushing, they  promote the development of bacterial plaque . The solution therefore consists in  covering said grooves with a protective resin.  This technique is mainly intended for children in order to avoid cavities, but can also be performed on healthy teeth in adults. 

Extraction of a tooth

Dental extraction is part of surgical care, reimbursed in the same way as conservative dental care. This act is also called a  dental avulsion.  A tooth is pulled out  for various reasons: excessive decay due to  decay , infection; dental loosening; fracture, poor implantation ( wisdom teeth ),  orthodontic treatment …

If it is still feared, thanks to  modern anesthetics  and  analgesics , this intervention  is no longer painful.

Dental prostheses (crown, bridges, etc.)

The fitting of a  dental prosthesis  is not part of conservative dental care, but prosthetic acts. Unlike dental care, whose prices are agreed, those for prosthetic acts are free of charge:  there is therefore a greater variation in prices  depending on multiple factors (cost of the prosthesis, materials, costs and charges related to the practice … ). 

A dental prosthesis is  a tooth or a set of artificial teeth  replacing an absent, missing or damaged tooth. Indeed, it is always preferable to replace missing teeth, to  avoid the appearance of cavities, infections or the displacement of other teeth.

There are several types of prostheses:

The fixed dental prosthesis , which is sealed or glued to the tooth: it can be a  crown , an  implant , a bridge, a dental veneer , an inlay / onlay;

The removable dental prosthesis , which is a device that can be removed. It can be partial (replacing certain teeth, or just the upper or lower jaw) or total (called “dentures” ). 

Dental appliances

Braces are part of orthodontic care  relating to orthodontics .  They correct, for aesthetic or functional reasons, the position and alignment of the teeth,  by exerting a slight pressure on them. Treatment can last  from a few months to two or three years.  The  sooner the problem is treated, the less time it takes, although it is quite possible to have braces in adulthood . 

The dental apparatus consists  of anchors attached to each tooth and connected by an arch . The appliance is generally  metallic,  but there are more and more  very discreet appliances, such as, for example, transparent arc appliances or  appliances placed behind the teeth ( lingual orthodontics ) .

Orthodontic treatments must be carried out before the 16th birthday to be reimbursed by Social Security. Prices range  from 600 to 1000 € / semester . Depending on the type of material used, the amount can be much higher, if you install ceramic fasteners for example.

Consultations and fee overruns

Consultations with a dental surgeon or an approved dental practitioner are  covered by the Health Insurance and reimbursed at 70% on the basis of conventional rates. Fee overruns are possible in certain cases: 

If the doctor has a permanent right to overrun (DP)  ;

If the dental doctor practices in sector 2;

A special requirement on your part  (consultation outside the usual office hours, etc.). 

Fee overruns are  not covered by Health Insurance. 

Categories: The Dental Clinic

“100% Health”: Instructions For Full Reimbursement Of Dental Prostheses

Dental Prosthesis: the rest at zero charge, what is it? 

The cost of dental care is a drag for many French people . According to a Health and Social Protection (ESPS) survey by Birds “Waivers of care in 2012”, one in six French people renounce it for this reason. The fitting of prostheses is particularly concerned. Indeed,  the remaining charge could vary between 195 and 545 euros after reimbursement of the Health Insurance.

Since January 1, 2020, the “100% health” offer (or remains at zero charge) has made it possible to remedy this. The goal: to offer prostheses whose prices are capped and which will be fully reimbursed.

Who can benefit ?

Everyone affiliated with Social Security , which has a complementary individual health or business or the supplementary Universal Health Coverage  (CMU-C), free complementary health reserved for the poorest, can benefit the rest to zero load.

Be careful for this to work,  the complementary health must be said to be “responsible”, which means that the contributions are not based on the state of health of the beneficiary. This concerns a large majority of them (around 95%) but it is always better to make sure of this upstream.

What is the procedure to follow ?

All you have to do is go to your dentist to ask for a quote for the care to be performed. The latter must mention:

The precise care to be carried out as well as the materials used;

The place where the prosthesis is made;

The amount of the fees for the treatment as well as that covered by the Health Insurance;

If the dentist enters a metal prosthesis in the estimate and does not carry it out himself, this must be specified.

The patient then sends this estimate to his complementary health .

3 treatment baskets available

The “100% health” basket, fully reimbursed: this basket offers essential and most common care;

A basket at controlled prices  : it provides moderate out-of-pocket expenses by limiting the prices of certain dental prosthetic treatments;

A basket at free prices  : this concerns in particular the most innovative techniques or in the event of particular aesthetic requirements, the patient and his dentist can decide together to resort to treatments for which there is no price cap. .

The final choice of care is up to the patient.

What treatments are concerned with “100% health”?

The products offered are the same as before this reform . If eyeglass manufacturers design them adapted to this offer, dentists for their part work with prostheses that must be made to measure , so there will be no change in this regard. A wide choice of fixed prostheses is offered in the “100% health” offer:

Monolithic ceramic crowns (other than zirconia) and metal-ceramic crowns on visible teeth (incisors, canines and 1st premolar);

  • Zirconia monolithic ceramic crowns (incisors, canines and premolars);
  • Metal crowns any location;
  • Core inlays and transient crowns (linked to definitive crowns);
  • Ceramic-metal bridges (incisors);
  • Metal bridges any location;
  • Removable resin-based prostheses.

Categories: The Dental Clinic

What Is A Dental Bridge?

Bridge is the English translation of the word bridge. ” A dental bridge is a set of dental crowns joined together , and supposed to replace a missing tooth between two teeth” , explains the specialist. 

Its role is therefore to replace a missing tooth in a fixed manner. 

We call “bridge abutments” the two teeth adjacent to the missing tooth, and “bridge intermediate” the missing tooth.

There are two types of dental bridges:

Dento-supported bridges: the two abutments of the bridge are real teeth still present in the mouth, which will have to be cut and sometimes devitalized to fix the bridge there;

Implant-supported bridges: the two abutments of the bridge are dental implants previously integrated into the bone.

“A bridge can only be completely dento-supported or completely implant-supported: you absolutely must not mix the two methods and have an abutment which is a natural tooth and a second abutment which is a dental implant”,  insists Dr Bettach. .

In which cases?

The bridge, with the dental implant , are solutions that exist to replace a missing tooth. However, since the abutment teeth will be cut and sometimes devitalized, the choice of the bridge is not a first-line choice. It is for example not advisable if the two teeth adjacent to the missing tooth are healthy and in good condition.

“ Today, our scientific and legal authorities recommend that we first offer a dental implant if possible, rather than a bridge” , explains Raphael Bettach.

If the placement of an implant is contraindicated , and / or the two abutment teeth are already very damaged, the choice of the bridge may be justified.

How is the pose going?

The steps necessary for the placement of a dental bridge depend on several factors, but the classic scheme is as follows:

During the first appointment , the practitioner first treats and cleans the edentulous area. Then, if necessary , he devitalizes the roots of the adjacent teeth supporting the bridge, and then reconstructs the devitalized teeth. The abutment teeth are then “cut” so that they can receive the bridge. A bridge or two provisional crowns are finally placed on the two abutments, to protect the two abutment teeth of the bridge;

The second step consists in taking the physical or even optical impression of this area, which will be used by the prosthetist to make the custom-made bridge;

Once the bridge has been made – usually a week later – the last, very quick step is to place the bridge in the office . If the bridge needs retouching or some adjustments, the dentist will take care of it and if it fits perfectly, he can then glue it in the mouth.

Sometimes things turn out to be more complicated, and a step is added to them. ” If there is not enough grip on the two pillars of the bridge for example, we will have to make one or more” false stumps “, which have the shape of small posts, called inlay-cores ” , specifies the specialist. .

Lifespan of a dental bridge

The average duration of a bridge is between 7 and 15 years. ” But if the roots are good and there are no infectious or mechanical problems, it can happen that a bridge can last more than twenty years” , adds Dr Bettach.

Tariff and reimbursement

The price of a bridge depends on several parameters: the material used for the crown, the practitioner , the region where he exercises , the loads related to his practice , etc.

But since January 1, 2020, Social Security has set up a framework for dental care applicable to certain prostheses, called zero RAC ( Remainder at zero charge ). This zero RAC may concern certain bridges depending on the location of the tooth being treated, the type of tooth to be treated and the materials used. It allows the patient to have nothing to pay for his bridge.

Other types of bridges will be affected by a so-called moderate ABR, the patient will then have to contribute to the costs incurred for its realization and its installation.

“Finally, you should know that Social Security will reimburse a dental bridge only if one of the two teeth adjacent to the missing tooth at least is already damaged “, specifies the surgeon.

Categories: The Dental Clinic